Title: There's a Song for That
Artist: Greg Lato
Digital Release: April 2013
Similar Artist: Safety Suit, One Republic
From: USA
Genre: pop, pop-rock, electro, country
Contact: http://www.youtube.com/user/greglatomusic?feature=watch, http://www.greglato.com/, https://plus.google.com/u/0/112408146032734440363
Greg Lato knows how to make his fans smile, with a feel good pop-rock release and music video for his song There's A Song For That. Greg Lato may not have the most melodic voice to compete with mainstream artists, but he does make music from the heart, with meaning and emotion. He's a singer that everyone should take a look at, and even if his music isn't your sort of thing, it's still enough to get you in a good mood.
Check his video out below.
Greg Lato - There's a Song for That (Official Music Video)